shampoo -

Barcode: 09497696

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Product characteristics

Categories: Non food products, Open Beauty Facts

Countries where sold: United States


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
aloe barbadensis leaf juice, aqua (water), coco-glucoside, sodium lauryglunsidts hotowypropyisulfonate, glycerin sorbitan oleate decylglucoside crosspolymer, xanthan gum, cedrs aiatickn cms auantifolia (lime) oil, ctrus green tea sweet (orange) peel oil, citrus limón (lemon)limit it, a lack illchrs peatis (gapefruit) peel oil, euca pius globulus leaf 0oil, juniper virginiana oil, rosemary officiaisrcaa him, ingiber officinale (ginger root oil, oats sativa (oat) kernel extract0*, calendula official calendie) rowe-teeter extract", chamomilla recut a (matricaria) flower extract", chenopodium quinoa secret seed",citu ganis gzgernut) fruit extract, carrot ca ota sativa (carrot) root extract*, persea very welcome (avocado)futétat", s aus (raspberry) fruit extr 0* serenoa serrulata fruit extract2), potato lycopersicum (omal) falaristen etrat", tocophery acetate, alcohol®, beta-caryophyllene, citric acid, inulin", sadium itrie peny akchol, potassium sorbate, s nonetheless benzoate, limonene "certified orgaic ngredient "saw palmetto e be healthy "kown as biotin carrier products preserved with sodium bet 2oate wanufactured for distribution by: the hain celestial group, inc., lake success, ny 11042 usa wnlavalonorganics,com11-800-227-5120 08 aralon natural products, inc., (otiec the da to nsf/ansi 305, the american national standard fr personal care products containing o root beautys

Ingredients analysis:
→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by aleene.
Product page also edited by inf, teolemon.

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