Vernis à ongles laqué - L30 Not that shy - Sephora - 5 ml

Barcode: 3378872067566(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Common name: Vernis à ongles

Quantity: 5 ml

Packaging: Verre, Flacon

Brands: Sephora

Categories: Makeup, Nail-makeup, Nail-polish

Manufacturing or processing places: France

Countries where sold: France


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Butyl acétate, Ethyl acétate, Nitrocellulose, Acetyl tributyl citrate, Phthalic anhydride/Trimellitic anhydride/Glycols copolymer, isopropyl alcohol, Stearalkonium hectorite, Adipic acid/Fumaric acid/Phthalic acid/Tricyclodecane Dimethanol Copolymer, CI 77891, Citric Acid, CI 19140, CI 77491, Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer, CI 77499

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Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by .
Product page also edited by miel2thym, tacite, teolemon.

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