Franck Provost Shampoing Expert Brillance 750ml

Barcode: 3600521730645(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Brands: Franck Provost

Countries where sold: France


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Aconselho EXPERT BRI LLANCE para mulheres corn nonnais, baços. A sua formula sem silicone, enriquecida com viurninaBj foi concebida para dar vitalidade e brilho aos seus cabelos. Deixeque um profissional tome conta do seu cabelopara um resultado brilhQ e luminoso. CONSELHOS DE UTILIZAÇÂO Aprrarem cabelos molhados, massajar suavemente e Paramaior eficâcia e mais tratamento, utilizar o amaciadorEXPERT BRILLAhìt: Emaso de contacto com os olhos, passar imediatamente por {gua. ten gran consumo/ na grande distribuiçao A • NGREDtENTS : AQUA / WATER, SODIUM SODIUM CHLORIDE, COCO-BETAINE, a 261 104 I ct / ACD YELLOW 3, COCAMDE MEA GERANIOL CARAMEL NIACINAMIDE, SODIUM SODIUM METHYLPARABEN, SALICYLIC ACD, HYDROXDE, LIMONENE, CiTRlC ACD, H9(YLENE POLYQIJATERNIIJW 10, ETHYLPARABEN,

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Substances or products causing allergies or intolerances: Limonene

Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by kiliweb
Last edit of product page on by tacite-mass-editor.
Product page also edited by openfoodfacts-contributors, teolemon.

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