maschera peel off - dermolab - 75ml

Barcode: 8009518323948(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Quantity: 75ml

Packaging: Plastique

Brands: Dermolab

Categories: fr:Masque

Manufacturing or processing places: Italy

Countries where sold: Egypt


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
DEBORAH GROUP S.p.A. MASQUE DETOX PEEL OFF eiooular. Dejar actuar durante 15-20 minutos DERMATOLOGIST TESTED Mgelo Maj 19, Milano - Made in lah INIVEL garantiza una profunda hidratación. DERMATOLOGICAMENTE TESTATO ocivado cuyas propiedades detoxificadoras ng el producto levantando la película que se cierran los poroş y purifican el cutis. La Aplicar en la piel húmeda evitando la zona confinuando hacia el centro del rostro. borá formado empezando por las mejillas y Combinación de ÁČIDOS HIALURÓNICOS Confiene CARBÓN VEGETAL DE BAMBŮ MASCHERA PEEL OFF DETOX Assorbe impurità, tossine e sebo in eccesso. Arricchita con uno speciale attivo vegetale pes illuminare e uniformare l'incarnato. Contiene CARBONE VEGETALE DA BAMBOO attivo dalle proprietà detox, affinare i pori e purificare la pelle, per per un'idratazione intensa. Applicare su pelle umida evitando il contorno occhi. Lasciare in posa 15-20 minuti. Rimuovere il prodotto sollevando la pellicola che si è formata iniziando dalle guance e continuando verso il centro del viso. PEEL OFF DETOX MASK Draws out impurities, toxins and excess skin oils. Contains BAMBOO ACTIVATED CHARCOAL, a detoxifying substance that reduces pore size and purifies skin, plus a combination of MULTILEVEL HYALURONIC ACIDS for intense hydration. Apply to damp skin, avoiding the eye contour area. Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. temove by liffing the film that will have formed, toring from the cheeks and working in towards the centre of the face. MASCARILLA DETOXIFICANTE PEEL OFF Sorbe impurezas, toxinas y exceso de grosa. ocivado Cuyas propiedades detoxificadoras cerran los poros y purifican el cutis. la JINIVEL garantiza una Cor en la piel húmeda evitando la z0 profunda hidratación. producto levantando la película que MASQUE DETOX PEEL OFF 6M gelo in ha

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Traces: fr:rien

Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.


Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Packaging parts:
Number Shape Material Recycling

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Last edit of product page on by sebleouf.
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