Children's fluoride free toothpaste - Tom's

Barcode: 0077326830932(EAN / EAN-13) 077326830932 (UPC / UPC-A)

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Product characteristics

Brands: Tom's

Categories: Non food products, Open Beauty Facts

Countries where sold: United States


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
grance, lrs we share every ingredient, its purpose, arnd its source at www,tomsofmaine,com, sustainable practices are a priority in every aspect of our business, we strive to maximize recycled content and recyclability of our packaging, % (12 days) of employee time to volunteering, 10% of profits to human and environnmental goodness, use: helps prevent plaque buildup with regular brushing, directions: brush teeth thoroughly, preferably after each meal or at least twice a day, or as directed by a dentist or physician, children under 2 years of age: ask a dentist or physician, ngredients: glycerin, water, calcium carbonate, hvdrated silica, natural flavor", carrageenan, @ o sodium lauryl sulfate, strawberry juice and other natural flavor bpa-free twist off cap and remove foil seal tube do not use if seal is not intact otom's of maine, inc, kennebunk, me 04043 u,sa 1-800-for-toms (1-800 - 67-8667) goodness , less in landfls terglacycle www,tomsofmaine,com/terracycle 17732611'8309 3

Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.


Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by sebleouf.
Product page also edited by inf, teolemon, thaialagata.

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