Cetaphil - Nestlé Skin Health - 450 g

Barcode: 3499320003766(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Quantity: 450 g

Packaging: Pot

Brands: Nestlé Skin Health

Categories: Body, Body-creams, fr:cremes-hydratantes

Countries where sold: Italy


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
Crema idratante Specificatamente indicata per le peli secche, moto sacche e sensibili lifom aed emolient idrata rapidamente la pelle diminuendo la perdite di ac e cas dratate in modo efficace ripristi Hare ia pele danneggiata in seguito a aent dermatologid o ds a o i cometto fim idroipidis a tollerabilita cutanea d impiego: Applicare Cetaphil Cremairtantemassaggiando delicanenteb e se necessario o secondo le indicazioni del dermatologo C Creme hydratante RORETES: Absorption rapide. Aide à maintenir la fonction protectrice de labenie mdiatement Adaptée aux peaux seches et sensibles gráce à sa fomulaion ani mndee pour néhydrater les peaux abimées et suite à des traitements dematig MODED BMPLON:Appliquer tous les jours aussi souvent que nécessaire BAGUAGLYCERIN PETROLATUM, DICAPRYLYL ETHER, DIMETHICONE GLYCERYL STEARAE CAT 8RGISTEARATE, ACRYLATES/C10-30 ALKYLACRYLATE CRCSSPOLYMER BENZYLALCOHOLBH CA UETA METHSMARABEN PHENOXYETHANOL PROPYLENE GLYCOL PROPYLPARABEN PRUNUS AM ETOCOPHEROLTOCOPHERYLACETATE. FIL1625.VOD Saproiumo-Sans parfum IT Galderma Italia Sp.A Via dell Annunciata, 21-20121 (M FRA ACL 3664408000122 Nestle Skin Healith our Europlaza - La Défense 4 20 avenue André Prothin E52927 La Défense Cedex a uline Health Made in Canada CAPORALF DRNA A F 4CLE UMENTLE TEAAAA CAALE aA AARKO 12 21 N10 3al 2019 132

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Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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