styl ista curls - l'Oréal - 200 ml

Barcode: 3600523557271(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Quantity: 200 ml

Brands: l'Oréal

Categories: fr:Beauté

Countries where sold: France


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
S5-NGREDENTS AOIA/WATER PROPMLENEGO DES BOUCLESDEC GLUCOSIDE COCAMDOPROPYL BETAINE LYCUM GARBARUM RUTEXIRACT :TOCOPHEROL LACTIC ACD AURYL SULFATE SODIUM CHLORIDE SODIUM BENZOATE PHENOKYETHANOL PEG-40/PPG-8 METHYLAMINOPROPY LTONIC ETGLIBESSEN EXTRACT ROIPROPML DIMETHONE COPOLYMER ETHMLEMGYERN RIDECETH-9 PG-AMODIMETHICONE TRIETHANOLAMINE AMINOMETHYL PROPANOL TRDECETH-12 POLYACRYLATE3 POLYURETHANE-34 POLYSORBATE 20 POLYSORBATE 80 MONEE BENZL SAUICYLATE BENMLALCOHOL DPROPMEE CAPHA SOMETHYIONONE ACRMLATES COPOLMER RANCL POTASSUM SOPBATE COUMARIN HEL OAMAL GN PARFUM/FRAPANCE FIL CE Eviter de vaporiser sur une peau irritée ou yers les yeux; en cas de projection, rincer immédiatement et abondamment avec de reau./Vermijd spuiten richting de ogen of op geirriteerde huid. Bij contact met de ogen direct en overvloedig uitspoelen met water test instrumental/"instrumentele test "sans éthanol/"zonder ethanol Stome durebond sheekracht&glans Zomder alchol Wordt niet hard minert sur cheveux e es theveux au suembout diffuseur releles boudles. een diffiser voor L'OREAL PARIS 14, rue Royale-75008 Paris FRANCE ISA 7500 93584 ST OUEN CEDEX VEUK DE HOW-TO'S ml e 200 523 557271

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Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by openfoodfacts-contributors
Last edit of product page on by sebleouf.

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