Kiluva Circal - Laboratoires ABAD

Barcode: 8436027342250(EAN / EAN-13)

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Product characteristics

Brands: Laboratoires ABAD

Countries where sold: France


→Ingredients are listed in order of importance (quantity).

Ingredients list:
CONTENIDO/ CONTEÜDO/ CONTENU/ CONTENUTO/ CONTENT/ INHALT/ INHOUD/ Por dosis diaria: 2 sobres/ Por dose diâria: 2 saquetas/ Por/Per/ Par/ ln Par dose journailère: 2 sachets/ Per dose giornaliera: 2 bustine/ 100 ml Daily dose'. 2 sachets/ Dagelijkse dosis: 2 zajkes/ & 100 S Tâgliche dosis: 2 Beutel (30 ml)/ (i 30) Extracto de ho'as de - uva roja/ Extrato de folhas de uva vermelha/ Extrait de feuilles de raisin rouge/ Estratto di foglie di uva rossa/ Red grape laves extract/ extract - van rode druivenbladeren/ Extrakt aus roten Weinrebenblâttern/ . 0,33 g Extracto de semillas de uva roja/ Extrato de sementes de uva vermelha/ Extrait de graines de raisin rouge/ Estratto di semi di uva rossa/ Red grape seeds extract/ extract van rode druivenzaden/ Traubenkernextrakt aus roten Weintrauben/ 0,139 0,04 g Extracto del fruto de mirtilo/ Extrato de fruto de mirtilo/ Extrait de fruits de myrtille/ Estratto di frutto di mirtillo/ Bilberry fruits extract/ extract van blauwe bessen/ Heidelbeerextrakt/ 0,04 g Extracto de Piel de limôn/ Extrato de casca de limâo/ Extrait de zeste de citron/ Estratto di buccia di timone/ Lemon peel extract/ extract van citroen/ 0,08 g 0,025 g ÉVRN - Valores de Referencia de Nutoentes / tVRN - Valores de Referência do Nutriente I 'VtlR -

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Ingredients analysis:

→ The analysis is based solely on the ingredients listed and does not take into account processing methods.

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Recycling instructions and/or packaging information:

Product added on by kiliweb
Last edit of product page on by aleene.
Product page also edited by openfoodfacts-contributors, yuka.WmY0d0NvOG5wYWc3cWNBbS9RT0pxOEo4emIrUVprV29FYll5SUE9PQ.

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